Do you ever feel like you have creativity building up inside of you but you have no idea how to let it out? I get that all the time, it seems. I will desperately want to write a song, a story, draw a picture, just do something that is incredibly deep and creative.
I usually end up just journaling about it, or in this case, blogging about it. It helps, but the feeling always comes back.
The feeling is most often spurred by certain music I am listening to or artwork I am looking at. The Killers always make me happy (a band, if you don't know any of their stuff, look it up!!), and the lyrics to their songs make me want to write a song equally as happy-inducing and awesome.
And almost anything makes me want to write a story. But all of the stories I have begun so far I am burned out on, unfortunately.
I think the problem is that I am procrastinating again, and when I procrastinate, that means I check my Facebook news feed every two seconds, and when that gets old, I start listening to music and reading things and books and it makes me get into a creative state.
But I'm not talented enough to do anything about it.
Well, this blog has certainly not helped alleviate any of the bursting creativity still flowing through my veins.
Just for fun, I will post the lyrics to my current favorite song on here so I can envy their beauty.
Verse 1
Daddy, I'm not gonna tell you that I'm sorry
'Cause there ain't nothin' you can do to change my mind.
I'm not here to know the things I cannot do;
We've seen the outcome of the boys who didn't fly.
That road outside that you've been taking home forever,
That'll be the same road that I take when I depart.
Those charcoal veins that hold this chosen land together
May twist and turn but somewhere deep there is a heart.
Playing with fire,
You know you're gonna hurt somebody tonight.
And you're out on the wire,
You know you're playing with fire.
Verse 2
Perhaps this calling is the channel of invention.
I will not blush if others see it as a crime.
However dangerous the road, however distant,
These things won't compromise the will of the design.
Ten thousand demons hammered down with every footstep,
Ten thousand angels rush the wind against my back.
This church of mine may not be recognized by steeple,
But that doesn't mean that I will walk without a God.
Special Little Part That I Don't Know How To Label
Rolling River of Truth, can you spare me a sip?
The Holy Fountain of Youth has been reduced to a drip.
I've got this burning believe in salvation and love.
This notion may be naive, but when push comes to shove,
I will till this ground.
Part of Chorus
You know you're gonna hurt somebody tonight
Out on the wire.
And I might not get there,
But this little town, this little house,
They seem to be leaning in the wrong direction.
I'm not afraid of you no more.
So that's Playing With Fire by Brandon Flowers, the lead singer of The Killers. It's a beautiful song; I suggest you listen to it. And that's about all.
The life and times of a self-proclaimed
obsessive procrastinator who still
believes she is destined for greatness.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Why I like to arrive early to the movies
Here are some of my favorite reasons to arrive on time at the movie theater:
1. Buying the ticket. When you get to the theater early, you usually don't have to clarify which time you would like to buy your ticket for. When you are late, you often have to say, "Million Dollar Baby, the 7:15 showing please." When you are on time, the ticket person just assumes you are there to see the movie that will start in three minutes. In this case, you just have to say the name of the movie. It saves time and breath.
2. Getting popcorn. Even if you don't want to munch on something during the film, chances are, several of your friends will. If you're late, you will have to argue about whether or not half of the group should go ahead and get seats or if you should all wait while Sharon and Matt buy their SnoCaps. Better idea, arrive early, have enough time to buy snackage, and still get to your seats with time to spare.
3. Bathroom break. Everyone should go to the bathroom before seeing a full-length film in theaters. You don't want to be that guy that has to get up just as the Titanic is hitting the iceburg because you couldn't hold it. And you don't want to miss part of the movie! Then you come back and have to converse with your friends about what happened and annoy everyone in the theater. And your movie experience will be tainted because you had to take a potty break. Just get there early, so there's plenty of time to do your business before your movie starts.
4. Securing seats. Whether you prefer the very front row, or whether you would rather sit two rows from the back, chances are there is another group of people that wants your spot too. You've got to get there early so you can get there first! Third row, dead center. Success!
5. Those awesome trivia questions. Who doesn't like to answer the same loop of trivia about Tom Hanks over and over again? Didn't you know that Cher has dyslexia? Isn't that interesting?! Why would you want to miss this??
6. THE PREVIEWS. Favorite part of the movies besides the movie itself (well, depending on the movie). You get a first glimpse at the films that are coming soon to a theater near you! Here's a great chance to build up your agenda of movies to see within the next few months as well as take notice of what movies to avoid. If you miss these, you are missing out on the future.
7. Sometimes theaters are tricky and lie. Seriously. I went to go see Dark Knight with my family, and we were literally five minutes late, and the movie had already begun! You can't rely on what you've been told, my friends. If a movie has been in theaters long enough, the theater might just choose to skip over the previews, therefore ruining your plans of getting there just in time for the "Now for your Feature Presentation!" Instead you get *gunfire* "AHHH!" "Get over here, men! There's no time to lose!" "We have to complete the mission!" *more gunfire* Yeah, you're right in the middle of an intense scene that you would be able to understand had you arrived early. Hence, GET TO THE MOVIES ON TIME!!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Learn Your Cars!
PART 1 (of I'm not sure how many; there may not even be a second part)
You could care less.
But, still, it would be nice to have a little bit of car knowledge. At least so you don't look like an idiot when all your friends are staring at a Lexus and you, in a desperate attempt to fit in, say "Yeah, I love Mustangs!" So sad.
But do not fret! Several years ago, I was you. So I got help. And now I'm here to pass on the treasures of car knowledge that I have acquired.
So let's learn our cars!
The most important thing about knowing your cars is to know the make of it. While some of your car-whiz friends can get a sweeping glance of a car and tell you exactly what make and model it is, for us normal people, telling the make of the car is easiest when you can see the symbol of the maker. This can be found on the front AND the back of a car, so as long as you have a good view of either of those places, you're golden.
Now, the most popular makes:
Easy enough. If you are not close enough to read the actual letters, you can still see the blue oval.
Looks familiar, huh? It won't always say CHEVROLET at the bottom, so don't let that be your only guide. But, the cross should be a dead giveaway, and it's not very hard to remember.
Pretty easy once again. See the V on top of the W? Piece of cake!
This is often VERY small on the hoods of cars. Even though B, M, and W are clearly shown here, there's no way you'll see them on a real car unless you are standing right in front of it. Basically, if you see a small checkered circle, it's a BMW.
See? It looks like an M! How clever. Not difficult to distinguish; this is usually pretty visible.
Usually Pontiacs just have the strange, upside-down arrow sort thing on them and no letters.
Similarly to Pontiacs, Chryslers most often just have this wingspan-like symbol on their cars.
Saturns are pretty darn easy to point out because their logo is bright red. You can see one coming from a mile away!
This is just one of those that you have to know the shape of. There's no way you will be able to read NISSAN on this symbol, even though it is on pretty much every car.
This one is pretty recognizable. As with all the other logos with the names at the bottom, don't expect to see DODGE tacked onto every car.
I provided the image of an actual car because this logo will truly have VOLVO written on it, and Volvos are the easiest to point out (in my opinion) because these cars always have a diagonal line of metal across the grill of the car. As seen.
Now, here are two tricky ones.
Honda v. Hyundia
It's so unfair. They both use H's for their symbols. It's almost like the just WANT to make it difficult. But never fear!
The straight, standing up H is Honda.
The slanty, strange H is Hyundai.
And, finally, for the hypothetical situation mentioned above:
Not to be confused with a Mustang. ;)
But really, Mustangs are made by Ford. But it can be confusing because the Ford symbol does not appear on many Mustangs as I have provided it here.
If you see a Mustang, it will have this symbol instead:
So now, when your friends are talking about that awesome Lexus across the street, you can double check the car logo and be assured that they are indeed talking about a Lexus. And not a Mustang.
Well, that's about it for our first installment of "Learn Your Cars!" Let me know if I skipped over any important makes, and also, feel free to comment with suggestions/praise for learning your cars!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Well, Well, Welcome
This is my blog. I hope you enjoy being here.
Actually, it's rather boring right now. This post is only to take up space and actually have a first post. I was going to wait until I was stricken with some sort of muse for my first post, but then I thought my blog looked bland without anything written on it.
Hence, first post. Lackluster and simple as it is.
(More, better posts to come.)
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