Here are some of my favorite reasons to arrive on time at the movie theater:
1. Buying the ticket. When you get to the theater early, you usually don't have to clarify which time you would like to buy your ticket for. When you are late, you often have to say, "Million Dollar Baby, the 7:15 showing please." When you are on time, the ticket person just assumes you are there to see the movie that will start in three minutes. In this case, you just have to say the name of the movie. It saves time and breath.
2. Getting popcorn. Even if you don't want to munch on something during the film, chances are, several of your friends will. If you're late, you will have to argue about whether or not half of the group should go ahead and get seats or if you should all wait while Sharon and Matt buy their SnoCaps. Better idea, arrive early, have enough time to buy snackage, and still get to your seats with time to spare.
3. Bathroom break. Everyone should go to the bathroom before seeing a full-length film in theaters. You don't want to be that guy that has to get up just as the Titanic is hitting the iceburg because you couldn't hold it. And you don't want to miss part of the movie! Then you come back and have to converse with your friends about what happened and annoy everyone in the theater. And your movie experience will be tainted because you had to take a potty break. Just get there early, so there's plenty of time to do your business before your movie starts.
4. Securing seats. Whether you prefer the very front row, or whether you would rather sit two rows from the back, chances are there is another group of people that wants your spot too. You've got to get there early so you can get there first! Third row, dead center. Success!
5. Those awesome trivia questions. Who doesn't like to answer the same loop of trivia about Tom Hanks over and over again? Didn't you know that Cher has dyslexia? Isn't that interesting?! Why would you want to miss this??
6. THE PREVIEWS. Favorite part of the movies besides the movie itself (well, depending on the movie). You get a first glimpse at the films that are coming soon to a theater near you! Here's a great chance to build up your agenda of movies to see within the next few months as well as take notice of what movies to avoid. If you miss these, you are missing out on the future.
7. Sometimes theaters are tricky and lie. Seriously. I went to go see Dark Knight with my family, and we were literally five minutes late, and the movie had already begun! You can't rely on what you've been told, my friends. If a movie has been in theaters long enough, the theater might just choose to skip over the previews, therefore ruining your plans of getting there just in time for the "Now for your Feature Presentation!" Instead you get *gunfire* "AHHH!" "Get over here, men! There's no time to lose!" "We have to complete the mission!" *more gunfire* Yeah, you're right in the middle of an intense scene that you would be able to understand had you arrived early. Hence, GET TO THE MOVIES ON TIME!!!
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