Monday, July 25, 2011


So now that I've made my birthday post, it's time for some catching up. I know I didn't write for a long time until recently. Therefore, this post is dedicated to telling you all the things you missed. This should be fun.

Other than it being summer, there are two main things that have happened that I think that my blog has missed. Both of which I have written about before: Jennifer Jareau and Harry Potter.

First, JJ. You may recall my post, The Imminent Return of JJ, in which I discuss my issue with CBS cutting Jennifer Jareau's character on Criminal Minds. At the end, I believe I said something like..."if you somehow happen to be an executive at CBS or in any position of power to bring JJ back to Criminal Minds, please consider my rock solid reasoning. I know thousands of fans would absolutely love you."
Well, I am pleased to announce, an executive must have been reading my post because they have officially brought JJ back to Criminal Minds for good! That's awesome news, right?! I knew that post would make a difference. ;)

So my character will be reunited with her BFF, Spence, and everything will be awesome this next season. :)
That's it for JJ, though.

On to Harry.

If you've not been keeping up with my blog, you may not know that I blogged my way through reading Harry Potter for the first time this past winter. Naturally, I fell in love, became obsessed, etc., etc... An accomplishment that had no public outlet until just recently, with the release of the eighth and final Harry Potter movie!
I decided to go all out, wearing full Hufflepuff costume and brandishing a homemade (but seriously legit) wand. I told people I was Hannah Abbott. And that I marry Neville.
[I know I was against the Hannah-Neville relationship before, but my selfishness won out. I want Neville for myself, and I think I'm Hannah Abbott. There is nothing wrong with me.]
Here is a picture of me (Hannah Abbott) and Kelsey (Hermione) at the midnight showing!!

The movie was wonderful, more than I could have hoped for. Someone freaked me out before the movie started, saying something about how they might not have the part where Neville kills the snake (then I started wondering if they maybe had someone else do it instead), and so I spent a good majority of the film all tensed up just waiting to see Neville in his moment of glory.

They threw me for a loop, too, though. They gave Neville this whole bridge scene where he's being chased by an army and the bridge is collapsing, and he falls off the edge, but still manages to hold on! And as soon as that part was over I was like this is not good, they only gave him that whole heroic part because they're going to have someone else kill the snake, I just know it.
And so later, Harry tells Hermione that she needs to kill the snake, and I honestly whispered No! in the middle of the theater. If Hermione was going to kill the snake, someone was going to pay after the movie. Probably someone dressed up as Hermione in close proximity. Not boding well for Kelsey.
So THEN, when it comes time to kill the snake, seriously EVERYONE attempts to kill her. Hermione's out there with a basilisk fang, taking stabs at the snake, and Ron's right there with her. It's like, the quest to kill the snake, and everyone but Neville gets to try. I was about to cry.
I love that man. I love him so much.

So enough gushing about Neville. God knows there's enough of that all over this blog. But the movie was brilliant, despite some itty bitty things I would have enjoyed seeing.
  1. Hagrid being more distraught over Harry's death. I know it's nit-picky, but in the book, Hagrid's reaction is heart-breaking. In the movie, he's just like "No! 'Arry!" And then he's all stone-faced as he carries him to Hogwarts. Shed a tear or two, Hagrid. You cry over dead spiders.
  2. Harry creating his old wand using the Elder wand. He just snaps the Elder wand in two. Like...didn't you want to do something with that before destroying it? You really want to be left with Draco's wand? Okay...
  3. Kreacher fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts. I honestly consider Kreacher one of my favorite characters now, and the fact that he wasn't even included in this movie was depressing. I love how he changes and how he ends up fighting with the house elves.
So that's it for my complaints. I told you there were few. I may think of more, but I won't post them when I do; I'll just complain to whomever's around. :)

But that wraps it up for Harry Potter! And this post. So I hope that was enough to make me feel like I can blog about current things now. And not everything all at once. And I promise, I won't write about Harry Potter all the time. Although I will have a Pottermore post for sure. :)

Til later!

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