Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Can I Be In A Musical?

Please? Right now?
I miss musicals. I got to participate in three of them during high school, and musical season was always the best part of the year. I played violin in the pit orchestra for our production of Aida, and I fell in love with it. Also became uncontrollably obsessed with it. It's an amazing Romeo & Juliet type story set in ancient Egypt. With breathtaking music by Tim Rice and Elton John (same people who did The Lion King).
The next year, I wanted to be part of the cast, and we were performing Seussical.
I was a Butter Battle Cadet:

Ohh, yeah. Then, we did Cinderella the following year (our choir directors went through a kiddie musical phase in which they wanted to cater to everyone's little siblings for some reason). I was a "maiden," so nothing special, but still musicals were some of the best times of my life in high school.
I'm the girl in the green skirt with only one shoe who looks like I'm about to bring the terror:
<br/><a href="" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>

Point being, I love musicals. And, I spent a good amount of my weekend watching and becoming obsessed with A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel on youtube. And wishing I could be a part of the cast and relive my glory days.

First, I will say that if you are a Harry Potter fan and are not afraid of a little parody, A Very Potter Musical and its Sequel are for you. I highly recommend both because they are incredibly hilarious.
Draco is my favorite character, followed by Voldemort. They're all really awesome though.
Darren Criss, who now plays a strong supporting character (Blaine!) on Glee, plays Harry and also wrote all of the music and lyrics for both musicals (along with A.J. Holmes on the first one).
Seriously, guys. These musicals made my weekend.

But my point for this post is just to reiterate how much I want to be in a musical right now. We have productions here in college, but I don't have time nor do I have the talent to compete with theatre and music majors in auditions.
So I don't know how to remedy this dilemma. That's why I'm complaining I guess.
Honestly, I can't come up with a single solution other than to just get over it.
I can't get over it! I want to sing! Ahh. Nostalgia attack.

This post is getting embarrassing now. I feel like more and more of my posts are ending up like this. I promise I'll have some better ones soon. This is just the result of poorly planned procrastination. Ahaha, is there such a thing? Yes, in my opinion. And that's what I'm blaming for this sub-par post.
Now I'm going to watch Criminal Minds.

1 comment:


    enough said. :)

    (P.S. Your faces are the best. I'm saving both of those pictures on my computer for later use.)


So, what do you think?