Friday, February 25, 2011

Forever and Ever and Everandeverandever

I just posted this video on Facebook, so posting it here might be a little redundant, but my heart is so rooted in this song that I don't care. If you've never heard this song (or even if you have a million times), you should listen to it right now. Stop what you are doing, and give eight minutes of your life to just listen.
Holy, by Matt Gilman (live, just how I like it):

And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say,
"Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty,
who was and is and is to come!"
Revelation 4:8

I first heard this song when I went to Onething, a conference in Kansas City with the International House of Prayer, during the winter of 2008. Actually, we spent the tail-end of 2008 there, and along with thousands of people, we rang in the new year worshiping and celebrating. It was such an amazing experience, and I would love to go again. 
It was during this particular song that God laid it on my heart that He wanted me to sing for Him. Not the biggest revelation in the world, but He really showed me that I can connect to Him through singing and that it gives Him joy.

I grew to love the kind of prophetic music that we sang at Onething. The lyrics are so simple and extremely repetitive, but they are rooted in scripture and carry such power. And because the songs were so repetitive, you usually never wanted them to end. That's exactly how I feel about this song. I have listened to this song on a loop so many times, it's almost embarrassing. Once, I listened to it over and over again during an entire bus ride back from Chicago. That's two and a half hours.

In this busy day and age, it's overwhelming to think of doing something forever. When I used to read that verse in Revelation about the four creatures saying the same thing over and over again, I thought that sounded like the most boring job ever.
Now I beg to differ. I often find myself longing for more worship, more music, by the end of a song at church or Large Group. When it's time to sit or leave, I feel like I could have kept singing for another hour. The thought of singing "holy, holy, holy" day and night, night and day, is the most comforting thing I can think of right now.

God has placed this desire in our hearts, to seek Him always and to worship Him for all time. I have just one other video, and this one is ten minutes, but it is just so beautiful and powerful that I can't not post it. It's Matt Gilman again, and this time, this song is from the conference I attended. I remember exactly where I was standing during this time. It was right after "Holy," when God had told me how He loved to hear me sing. So I sang my heart out with everyone else. I almost cried with every word. God is that amazing.

Tonight is All-Campus Worship at the University of Illinois. It's like a mini-Onething with all the campus ministries coming together just to worship for one night a semester. Unfortunately, it won't last forever. But Heaven will, and I will get to sing forever and ever and never stop. Because that's exactly what my soul is made for.

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